By: Empathy Queen

I want to dedicate this post to all my Queens reading this; as human beings in general, and more particularly women, we naturally tend to compare ourselves to those around us and so I want to deliver a message through this post: My Queens. First. Love yourself…. then each other. If you struggle to find joy when you see another woman thriving in success, if you begin to compare their lives with yours, then I urge you to begin the journey to self-love. Be kind to yourself. Learn to love yourself because the relationship you set with yourself will set the tone for every other relationship in your life. Another woman’s accomplishments are not your failures. We all have our own journey. Instead of competing with each other, start loving one another. Life is not a competition rather we are trialed with the very lessons needed to shape our character before we attain the goals we so desperately desire. As Rupi Kaur states, “…Our struggle to celebrate each other is what’s proven most difficult in being human.” Genuinely be happy for those who are happy, despite your own emotional state, just sincerely spread love and happiness. I promise, you WILL begin to see that sincerity bless every aspect of your life. Love yourself. Love each other. Everyone one of you is beautiful in their own way. Everyone of you is so damn special and unique. I hope you all blossom from the battles you are facing and rise with beauty grace and success💋✨
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